Analysis Of A Style Series: The Jazz and Jazz/Rock Improvisational Ethic of Pat Martino.
Analysis Of A Style Series Analysis of the style of Pat Martino- Pat has given us a real head-start in writing his various manuals and video courses. However if there is one criticism regarding his instructional output, it would have to be the area of "how-to". How to phrase those even 8th notes in exactly that modern-bop manner. How to build towards the speed that Pat always demonstrates his lessons? Pat usually plays all his examples of pure 16th note runs at approx 120bmp-145-bpm, or taken as 8th notes, at 240-290bpm! Taken as 1/4 notes, that's 1/2 noted values that's 960 notes per minute, but it is actually going by at 1,920 notes per minute! And he doesn't play them any slower for you ...his phrasing is both liquid and rhythmically boppish, even at such advanced tempi, and yet is plain impossible for any intermediate level guitar player to emulate from his material alone. It is as "good" as seeing a Pat concert in that you can't learn anything substantial that way either. My module/book/instructional/whatever addresses this issue, the issue of related equipment, choice of guitar/pick/strap/whatever! and combines them with the relevant jazz theory viz Pat's incredible melodic improvisations that pretty much qualifies you to gain a much more complete, real hands on understanding and playing ability of Pat Martino. While it helps if you already have any of Pat's books or tapes, it is not really necessary for you to buy them if you're starting with my book. Later one when you do get Pat's material you'll wonder how you could ever do without my "supplementary material" :) The art of emulating great guitar players in order to arrive at or enroach upon the creation of your own style is a time honoured tradition in jazz, rock and blues. Not merely to "steal some hot licks", this approach coupled with an appropriate theoretical melodic/harmonic system to apply these ideas have been the ticket for practically ALL musicians to any kind of mastery at all. I am offering this Analysis of Pat Martino book in deep respect for one of the great masters of modern music. I feel it of the greatest honour to be able to do so, as I would if I were to offer you real musical insight and mastery of the style of a true musical genius like Bach.